Don't be a victim of Fraud or Scams
our secure FraudWeb search of the Dark Web will find out if YOU are at RISK!
for a FREE FraudWeb Search
CLICK HERE for a FREE FraudWeb Search
Our FraudWeb searches DATA BREACHES and MORE...
  • Emails
  • Postal address
  • Bank accounts
  • Credit card
  • Phone number
  • Online logins
  • National insurance number
  • Passport number
  • Driving licence
Open a Notty Account to receive FREE FraudWeb searches and alerts.
Searching the Dark Web DOES NOT put your information on the Dark Web.
A lot can be found on the Dark Web - Make sure it’s not YOU..!

Credit/debit card & bank account crime

There are 330,000 cases of reported crime for credit/debit cards and bank accounts in the UK for 2019. This can result in loss of finances and accounts being closed.

Start your FraudWeb search now

Unauthorised access to personal information

With over 535,000 reported cases of unauthorised access to personal information nationwide, 1 in 12 people are affected and compromised.

Start your FraudWeb search now

Passport & login information

Your passport details can be sold for less than £40 and a playstation login for less than 40p. Fraudsters can then hack in to your accounts and make purchases or use for criminal activity.

Start your FraudWeb search now

If your details are compromised, so are all your online accounts, as well as:
affecting your job prospects
affecting your ability to get credit
It will affect your whole life
Don’t be a Victim! Stay ahead, don’t be tangled in a Notty!

We’ll help you untangle your life

The information about us, how we live our lives, our finances and who are friends are, is easily accessible if you know where to look. This is not just your name and address but your likes, dislikes, what you do at weekends, when you get paid, how you spend your money, who your employer is; in additional to information held on your credit file about your finances.

Before you realise it, your life is caught in a knot and you are unable to untangle the mess you are in. That is why we have created Notty, the original and unique service that will brings everything to one place, so you can untangle your life.

The Mission

We want to help those who use the internet to understand that information about them online is being used to make decisions about them. Companies are now getting more sophisticated in how they recruit people, lend, market, contact and use information you put on your social media to make assumptions about you.

Not being careful about your online security and privacy, or what you put online, can have implications not just now but in years to come.

So how do you know, how do you find out, what do you have to do, who can help, were just some of the questions we had with no accessible solution.

See our blogs for more. Plus visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Linkedin

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